January 13 2025 General Meeting

Date: January 13, 2025

Pete Guckenberg called the General Meeting of the Butte des Morts Conservation Club to order on Monday, January 13, 2025 at Winklers Westward Ho at 6:30 pm. 


  1. Communications
    1. New Donations - $1000 Smithlin Family Donation. Thank You was sent
  2. Property/Trail Update
    1. Breakwall Project – Trail is closed as of Sunday, January 12th as they are starting to work on the island this week. 
    2. Guidepost brochure – Art is making changes this winter to the brochure. 
    3. “Fencing Project” is on hold until 2025.
    4. Security Camera light in the parking lot is very bright. Change bulb wattage? 
    5. Lift on hold – sell as is? 
  3. Old Business
    1. The parking lot bridge is failing. This needs to be looked at soon. 
    2. Buildings – House cleaning of the buildings needs to be done in the Spring
  4. New Business
    1. Fish Sticks Project – Angelo was here to update us on what the project involves. Currently, we are waiting on permits and hope to complete it this winter.
    2. Ron and Lawanda started cleaning out and refilling the wood duck houses on Saturday, completing about 2/3 of them, and will finish up soon.
    3. Fundraising
      1. It was decided to not hold a Spring Raffle and to push Battle on Bago tickets. It was brought up to think about hosting a “dueling pianos” benefit to take place of the spring raffle? 
      2. Golf Outing – Jordan will check with Kathy to see if Sunday, August 17th would work for her. 
    4. The membership renewal letter will go out this month
    5. Lawanda would like to propose that we adopt a policy to hold the BDMCC meetings at Terrell’s Island in May, June, August, September, and October.  We put all that money into fixing up the Schoolhouse foundation last year, yet held only three meetings there.  This way five meetings would be at the Schoolhouse and five at Westward Ho over a calendar year. Discussion will be held when Bruce is present.


Meeting was adjourned by Ken Meier seconded by Don Stowe at 7:45 pm. Next General Meeting will be Monday, February 10, 2025 at Winklers Westward Ho.