Pete Guckenberg called the General Meeting of the Butte des Morts Conservation Club to order on Monday, February 10, 2025 at Winklers Westward Ho at 6:30 pm.
1. Property/Trail Update
a. Breakwall Update – Per Highway, ice conditions will not allow truck work. Too many large cracks. Will monitor ice conditions. Permit does end November 2025.
b. Fish Stick Project – Permit was issued and is good for 5 years. Looks like it will be on hold this year.
c. Turn Around Project – DNR going for $11k, BDMCC board approved $5k. We are waiting on DNR approval of money. The issue is the amount of rock is difficult to determine.
2. Old Business
a. The parking lot bridge is failing. This needs to be looked at soon.
b. Buildings – House cleaning of the buildings needs to be done in the Spring
c. Guidepost brochure – Art is making changes to the brochure this winter.
d. Lift on hold until Bruce returns.
3. New Business
a. Bird Houses – Lawanda will give Jordan an update for Marsh Talk. 30 Houses completed. Replaced 1, 4 undisturbed, 18 no eggs, 4 broken shells, 4 whole eggs, several mouse nests, and 1 hornet nest. Thank You to Ron and Lawanda for doing that!
b. Fundraising
i. Golf Outing is scheduled for Sunday, August 17th, at Winchester Hills.
c. The membership renewal letter will go out this month
Meeting was adjourned by Dave Lux seconded by Gary Wojtowksi at 6:50pm. Next General Meeting will be Monday, March 10, 2025 at Winklers Westward Ho.